The photo is from a trip to China when my brother lived in Chengdu. He and a friend had a retail bike shop. built custom bikes, made bikes out of bamboo, and hosted bike tours (day long or multi-week). 

I commissioned this vintage Flying Pigeon bicycle to get modern components, a Brooks saddle with matching grips, and a bell.

Here is what I’m up to NOW.

There were a few memorable experiences that made a huge difference in my life.

There was one experience early on, a springtime day in the 6th grade in gym class. We had to do the physical fitness test activities for the first time. On this particular day the activity was running a timed mile, and Mrs. Lumen was my gym teacher. Find this story, and a full timeline here.

The Welcome Collection

2012 & 2013 was a road trip that I thought might last two or three months. There was a lumberjack competition, a naked flash-mob pie fight, a slew of 10K’s & half marathons, and 3 Marathons, 4 Vipassana retreats, a goat stanchion, a pergola over a flagstone patio, an epic Alaskan Marine Highway Ferry ride, surf spots from Oregon to Southern California, and some early morning old man wisdom at small town diners all along the way. I took a proper tour of a state to give myself permission to get a state picture, and it’s me, my van with US State Welcome Signs. The only one missing is Hawaii, and that one involves a $5,000 round trip boat ride to get the van in the picture. #welcomecollectn

Go to the Full Gallery

Regarding Elders (in general)

Our elders are to be respected. The lifetime gives the reason cannot answer the question as to why.
Seeking the wisdom of your elders, and embracing it whichever way it received is more valuable than it seems. A lot more valuable.
Alexander ‘Sandy’ Adamson
My grandpa


Talking about doing something and actually doing it are two very different things. This idea applies to a certain type of action, the kind that one knows should happen, or needs to happen, and for many it often doesn’t. My understanding of this type of action fundamentally changed one day way I was 11 years old.
A bit from many influences age 8 – 18
My mom and step-dad

Peace of Mind

It’s peace of mind that is the reason behind all of the other reasons that are said, and what’s behind our actions, decisions, choices, and efforts. When it comes down to it, all the way down, this peace is all that’s left. This became clear about 3 years in talking clients; the HS drop-out, the widows and widowers in there 90s, and the many in between, regardless paycheck or bank account.
Financial Advising Practice clients

Incentives & Opportunity Cost

The understanding that can be attained to navigate the value that is faced, and realizing the a choice is at the expense of all other possible choices.
Dr. Charles S.V. Telly
My professor, Mentor

The Pain Never Gets Worse

The first time I heard this was on a long run by a XC teammate. I heard this explained creatively on the WNYC program RadioLab in the show titled “Limits” on April 5, 2010. Feelings attached to effort are surprisingly subjective.
Andrew Miller, Teammate

Jad Abumrad & Robert Krulwich, RedioLab Hosts

Seek A Guide. Don’t be Guided by the Blind.

Once I

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and transformation leads to finding purpose and determination.

My grand father stopped me and my brother in the middle of playing when we were 3 or 4 years old. I remembered what he said, but it was years before I understood the meaning. He had just come inside after getting the mail, and looked stressed, but as a 4 year old, I thought I was in trouble for something but had no idea what.

There are a few skills that are fundamental and can transform your life.

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